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Who We Are

Camp Good Mourning! is Long Island's ONLY 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides FREE, overnight, weekend bereavement camp programs for children, ages 7-17, who are coping with the loss of a parent/guardian, and/or sibling.

What We Do

Camp Good Mourning! supports, educates, and empowers grieving Long Island children in a traditional summer camp setting . . . with something EXTRA SPECIAL . . . the ability to connect with other kids who have also experienced the death of a parent and/or sibling.

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Where We Do It

Camp Good Mourning! has chosen Camp Quinipet as its Long Island home for its Spring and Fall 2024 programs.  Located on Shelter Island on the east end of LI, one must take a ferry ride from either Greenport or Sag Harbor to reach it.  The ferry ride is very metaphorical for leaving all your troubles behind as one embarks on the quiet and calm 20-minute shuttle to a magical camp experience!


When We Do It

Camp Good Mourning! offers these FREE fun-filled programs in the SPRING and FALL seasons to fill the gaps in services because we understand that grieving is not limited to the summer months.

Camp Dates

How We Do it

Through the generosity of compassionate and giving friends, and hundreds of dedicated, enthusiastic, and thoroughly trained team members . . . like YOU!

Why We Do It

•  1 in 12 Americans will experience the death of a parent or sibling by the age of 18.

•  In a study of 11 – 16 year olds, 78% stated that at least one of their close relatives or friends have passed away.

•  7 in 10 teachers (69%) currently have at least one student in their class who has lost a parent, guardian, sibling or close friend

•  75% say the pervading emotion they currently feel is sadness, with feeling angry, alone, overwhelmed, and worried being the top other emotions

•  Teachers report that students who have lost a parent or guardian typically exhibit:

     - difficulty concentrating (87%) 

     - withdrawal/disengagement and less participation (82%)

     - absenteeism (72%)

     - decrease in work quality (68%)

     - less reliable as it pertains to schoolwork (66%)

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What helps?

According to grieving children, the following three activities are instrumental when coping with the loss of a loved one:


  1. Going to a grief group

  2. Meeting other grieving kids

  3. Making new friends​

Camp Good Mourning! provides campers with ALL THREE OPPORTUNITIES during a jam-packed weekend of fun and healing!


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